viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Final project for intermediate 1!!! ===> my most crazy anecdote

aloooooha people, les kuento q comence a studiar english y weno dsps de ir al ultimo pre-intermedio comencé el intermedio (opio no?) y este es my final project, espero pasar y naaaa a la par del floro hice una presentación en prezi que es lo que diré (espero pasar!!)

Prezi about my ankle

My broken Ankle

Good morning everybody, today I'm going to tell you about something that happened to me.
Last year on april the rain was very strong and Chosica didn't use to has the best infraestructure for this.
The landslides "Huaycos" affected the town, that's why there were so many activities for helped Chosica's people.
One of these activities was a concert, I went to Pueblo Libre on april the 5th (I have never forgot that date) to a great concert with many of my favorite rock bands, everything was so cool and just for food, I was so exited because the songs bring me back to the 90s! Since I was a teenager I used to do pogo on every concert I went to.
La mente made a presentation in great shape, people started to do pogo, everybody was jumping and pusing againts everybody, I couldn't stand it anymore and went to join them. Suddenly on the last song I fell down, and people jumped and fallen on my ankle and when I tryed to standed up my foot went outside.

I was screaming because the ambulance had fallen on each bump on the route to the clinic.

The doc took some radiographies and told me I needed a surgery and my world crumbled, I asked for 2nd and 3rd and 4rd and 5th opinion but I didn't have any other options, I had asked so many doctors and everyone said I had to pass for a surgery .

On April the 18th I went to the clinic and after general anesthesia I passed for surgery.

When I woke up, I felt terrible, the pain was so intense and finally after more and more and more anesthesia it decreased I went to my room.

At the noon I usually screamed, because my tendon had always stretched at 4am. it wasn't a nice time, I didn't like the wheelchair at all, and preferred crutches to move from one side to another. It was the most difficult time for me
They time had passed and I could took off the bands, staples and the pain and swelling got down finally and started the physical rehab.

The time continue and finally I went to the cinema, I was very exited when I went to watched Pixels, because I hadn't gone out that far before. I continued getting better and better thanks to the physical rehab and on February (using my walking stick) I could went with my family to Paracas reserve.

Now I can walk without anything and I after have come for a long way (I used to go on wheelchair, crutches and finally walking stick), I want to make up for lost time and start new adventures.

Thanks for watching!
